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Aug 16, 2011

EID GIFTS:The doll I have been waiting for.

I know it has been a very long time since I have blogged. I have a long list of to blog about topics. But this one I couldn't resist bumping up the list. You know my thing for toys. I think I have found the doll I have been looking for! It's called My Little Muslim Sister!

What do I love about this doll you ask? Well for one it is diverse. They have come in five different shades. In addition their is a male and female doll. These dolls are cloth, which works perfectly with my commitment to cloth dolls for this age of my daughters life. Best of all part of the proceeds goes to charity! Can we get any better? You know I am itching to buy at-least five of them. I'm trying to control myself.

If you have a chance check out the rest of the site too. They have some really cute puzzles and books. I particular like the Kabba puzzle. Ali-gator is now officially a Muslim Momma go to store!


  1. wow! great choice for Eid gifts, these dolls look so cute.

  2. During my childhood I like to play with dolls. Now I want to buy doll for my daughter she is 9 month old. I like this little Muslim sister.


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